[ g i r l s ]

Rachel : RAY-chel : hebrew "an ewe"

Radella : RAH-del-lah : old english "elfin advisor"

Radinka : RAH-deen-kah : slavic "active"

Rae : RAY : old english "doe"

Rai : RIGH : japanese "trust"

Raisa : RAY-zah : old french "thinker"

Raizel : RAY-zel : hebrew "rose"

Ramla : RAHM-lah : african "one who predicts the future"

Ramona : ruh-MOH-nuh : spanish "mighty, wise"

Ramya : RAHM-yah : hindi "beautiful, elegant"

Randie : RAN-dee : old english "shield-wolf"

Rane : RAH-neh : norwegian "queen, pure"

Rani : RAH-nee : hindi "a queen"

Rashida : rah-SHEE-dah : african "righteous"

Rasine : RAY-seen : polish "a rose"

Ratri : RAH-tree : hindi "night"

Raven : RAY-vin : old english "like the raven"

Rawnie : RAW-nee : english gypsy "lady"

Rayna : RAY-nah : hebrew "pure, clean"

Raziya : rah-ZEE-yah : african "agreeable"

Rebecca : rah-BEK-kah : hebrew "tied"

Regan : RAY-gan : celtic "royal"

Regina : re-JEEN-uh : latin "queen"

Rei : RAY : japanese "gratitude"

Reidun : RAYD-uhn : norwegian "nest-lovely"

Remy : RAY-mee : french "from rheims"

Rena : REE-nuh : greek "peace"

Rena : REE-nah : hebrew "joyous song"

Renata : re-NAHT-uh : latin "reborn"

Rhiamon : REE-ah-mun : welsh "witch"

Rhiannon : REE-ahn-nun : welsh - mythological nymph

Rhoda : ROH-duh : hebrew "rosy"

Rhodanthe : ROH-dahn-thee : greek "flower of the rose bush"

Ria : REE-ah : spanish "mouth of a river"

Riane : RHEE-an : gaelic "little king"

Rihana : REE-an-uh : arabic "sweet basil"

Risa : REE-sah : latin "laughter"

Riva : REE-vah : french "shore"

Robyn : ROB-in : old german "bright fame"

Rochelle : ROH-shel : french "little rock"

Rohanna : ROH-hahn-ah : hindi "sandalwood"

Rosalinde : roh-SAH-lind-ah : spanish "pretty rose"

Rosanne : roh-ZAN : latin "gracious rose"

Rose : ROHZ : latin "rose bush"

Roxana : ROKS-ah-nuh : persian "dawn"

Rumer : ROO-mer : english "gypsy"

Ruth : ROOTH : hebrew "companion, friend"

Ryanne : RHY-ahn : gaelic "little king"

Ryba : RIGH-bah : czechoslovakian "fish"

[ b o y s ]

Radcliffe : RAD-klif : english "from the red cliff"

Radman : RAHD-mun : slavic "joy"

Raidon : RIGH-den : japanese "thunder god"

Ramiro : RAH-mee-roh : basque "great judge"

Ramsey : RAM-see : english "from the ram's island"

Rance : RANS : french - kind of belgian marble

Randolph : RAN-dolf : old english "wolf-shield"

Ranen : RAY-nen : hebrew "joyous"

Ranger : RAYN-jur : french "guardian of the forest"

Ravi : RAH-vee : hindi - name of sun god or "benevolent"

Ravid : RAH-veed : hebrew "wander"

Ray : RAY : french "kingly"

Raymond : RAY-mund : old english "mighty protector"

Raynor : RAY-nohr : old norse "mighty army"

Reade : REED : english "with red hair"

Redford : RED-ford : english "from the red river crossing"

Redmond : RED-mund : old german "protecting counselor"

Reese : REEHS : welsh "ardent one"

Reeve : REEV : middle english "bailiff"

Regan : RAY-gan : celtic "royal"

Regis : REE-jis : latin "kingly, regal"

Remington : REM-ing-tun : english "from the raven estate"

Rendor : REN-dohr : hungarian "policeman"

Renny : REN-nee : gaelic "small but mighty"

Rex : REKS : latin "king"

Reyhan : RAY-han : arabic "favored by god"

Rhett : RET : welsh "enthusiastic"

Rhys : RIGHS : old welsh "rash, ardent"

Richard : RITCH-ard : old german "strong ruler"

Rico : REE-koh : spanish "noble ruler"

Rider : RIGH-der : old english "horseman"

Ridgley : RIDJ-lee : english "by the meadow's edge"

Rigby : RIG-bee : english "ruler's valley"

Riley : RIGH-lee : irish "valiant"

Rimon : REE-mon : arabic "pomegranite"

Ringo : REEN-goh : english "ring"

Ringo : REEN-goh : japanese "apple" or "peace be with you"

Robert : RAHB-urt : old english "bright fame"

Robi : ROH-bee : hungarian "shining with fame"

Roderick : ROD-e-rik : old german "famous ruler"

Rodman : ROHD-mun : old english "famous"

Rodney : ROHD-nee : old english "from the island clearing"

Roger : RODJ-er : old german "famous spear"

Roi : ROY : french "king"

Roldan : ROHL-dahn : teutonic "fame of the land"

Ronald : RON-uld : english "powerful, mighty"

Ronan : ROH-nan : celtic "a pledge"

Rooney : ROO-nee : irish "red-haired"

Rory : ROHR-ee : teutonic "famous ruler"

Roscoe : ROHS-koh : norse "from the deer forest"

Roth : RAWTH : german "red-haired"

Royce : ROYS : english "son of the king"

Ruben : ROO-ben : hebrew "behold a son"

Rudd : RUD : english "ruddy"

Rudi : ROO-dee : teutonic "famous wolf"

Runako : ROO-nah-koh : african "handsome"

Rune : ROON-ee : german "secret"

Russell : RUH-sel : old french "red-haired"

Ruskin : RUSK-in : french "red-haired one"

Ryan : RY-an : gaelic "little king"

Rylan : RIGH-len : english "dweller at the rye land"